Terms & Conditions

1. GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR PARTICIPATIONThe Organizer of this Competition is Spacefwd Benelux SRL, Av. des Anc. Combattants 2B5, 5060 Auvelais, Belgium.

1.1. This Competition will be governed by these terms and conditions. By means of their registration to enter this Competition, Entrants agree that they have read and understood these terms and conditions and agree to be bound by them.

1.2. This Competition is open to Entrants (natural persons only) aged 16 and over only excluding employees and immediate relatives of employees of the Organizer and/or Administrator, their respective parent, subsidiaries or affiliated companies or any other person professionally connected with this Competition.

1.3. This Competition is open to Belgian and Dutch residents only.

1.4. Participation is permitted irrespective of purchase of a product/service. No purchase necessary.

1.5. Only one (1) entry per individual as determined by email address. An individual may acquire multiple points as part of their entry, as detailed in section 3.

1.6. In case of non-compliance with any of these rules or any behavior that is considered defamatory, offensive or illegal the Organizer reserves the right to reject the Entrant from the Competition.

1.7. The Organizer takes no responsibility for entries that are lost, delayed, misdirected or incomplete or cannot be delivered or entered for any technical or other reason. Proof of delivery of the entry is not proof of receipt. Proof of receipt is only when the participant actually receives the email confirming their participation

1.8. Use of any automated system to participate is prohibited and will result in disqualification. In the event of a dispute as to any registration, the authorized account holder of the email address used to register will be deemed to be the registrant or player. The “authorized account holder” is the natural person assigned an email address by an Internet access provider, online service provider or other organization responsible for assigning email addresses for the domain associated with the submitted address. The potential winners may be required to show proof of being the authorized account holder.


2.1. The Competition starts at 0900 CEST October 23th 2023 and closes at 1800 CEST November 27th 2023.

2.2. To enter the Competition, Entrants will be asked to fill in a form providing their email address. On the same entry, Entrants will accrue points by completing the following actions:

2.2.1. Watch the main Futura City Quest video (15 points)

2.2.2. Experience the Coca-Cola Futura City Quest (450 points)

2.2.3. Share the competition (30 points)

2.2.4. Collect your daily bonus (10 points per day)

2.2.5. Watch influencers on Twitch (25 points per hour)

2.2.6. Answer the subsidiary question (1 point)


3.1. There will be twenty five (25) winners.  One (1) main winner, one (1) runner-up and twenty three (23) other winners.

3.2. The main winner and the runner-up of the Competition will be the entrants whose accrued the most points. In the event two or more entrants have accrued the same amount of points, the winning contestants shall be determined by utilizing the following tie breaker:

3.2.1. Tie breaker – The contestant who correctly answered, or was the closest to the correct answer to the question “How many participants will take part in this competition?”.

3.3. The other winners of the Competition will be the twenty three (23) entrants whose accrued the most points after the main winner and the runner-up. In the event two or more entrants have accrued the same amount of points, the winning contestant shall be determined by utilizing the tie breaker (3.2.1).

3.4. The winners will be informed that they have won by the Organizer via email, using the email address he or she has provided.

3.5. Prizes will be mailed to the winners at the address provided to each of the winners.

3.6. The winners may be requested to provide further personal data in order for the Organizer or Administrator to contact them. In the event the email is returned as undeliverable, or a winner declines a prize, the relevant entry will be disqualified and a new winner will be chosen using the same methods mentioned in 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3. 

3.7. The Competition main winner will win one (1) PC Gaming Custom (MSRP € 3,500), the second (1) will win a PlayStation 5 (MSRP € 450) while the other winners (23) will each receive an XBOX Game Pass Ultimate gift card.

3.8. No cash alternative.  Prizes are not transferable.

3.9. Winners will be responsible for all applicable taxes and expenses not specified in the prize description.


4.1. By entering the competition, the following data of the entrants will be captured by the Administrator: Name, address and email address.By entering the Competition, the entrant grants the Organizer and/or the Administrator the right to contact them regarding their submission. By participating in the Competition, entrants hereby agree to the Organizer collecting and using their personal information and acknowledge that they have read and accepted the Organizer’s privacy policy at https://futuracityquest.com/privacy 

By entering this Competition, you will be deemed to: (i) have accepted these Terms and Conditions; (ii) warrant that any information you submit is accurate and relates only to yourself.


5.1. Organizer and their agents are not responsible for: (1) any incorrect or inaccurate information, whether caused by Entrants, printing errors or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Competition; (2) technical failures of any kind, including, but not limited to malfunctions, interruptions, or disconnections in phone lines or network hardware or software; (3) unauthorized human intervention in any part of the entry process or the Competition; (4) technical or human error which may occur in the administration of the Competition or the processing of entries.


6.1. These Competition terms and conditions will be governed by Belgian law.The Competition site and all other aspects of this promotional operation are administered, handled and dispatched on behalf of Spacefwd Benelux SRL, Av. Des Anc. Combattants 2B5 5060 Auvelais in Belgium.

Still have questions? Check out our FAQ.

What is the Futura City Quest?
For the launch of Coca-Cola® Creations' brand new limited edition flavour 3000, we are throwing the ultimate gaming competition where you have the opportunity to perform a series of actions, earn points and if you are amongst the 25 best players, you will be rewarded with awesome prizes!
What are the prizes?
The first place winner will win a custom Futura City Quest PC of a value of €3,500. The runner-up will win a custom Futura City Quest PlayStation 5, the next 23 winners will each win an XBOX Game Pass Ultimate.
What is the Futura City Quest Roblox Experience?
The Futura City Quest Roblox Experience is a world where you can experience what the future holds, meet friends, share experiences, collect awesome rewards and earn points in the Futura City Quest competition. You can play the Roblox Experience following this link.
When does the Enter the Future competition end?
The Enter the Future competition will end on November 27th 2023, the winners will be contacted using the email they have provided when registering for the competition. The Futura City Quest Roblox Experience will continue to be available until the end of 2023!